Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
transfer | 1e00 | 4 | |
transfer_multiasset | 1e01 | 3 | |
transfer_with_fee | 1e02 | 5 | |
transfer_multiasset_with_fee | 1e03 | 4 | |
transfer_multicurrencies | 1e04 | 4 | |
transfer_multiassets | 1e05 | 4 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
TransferredAssets | 1e00 | ["AccountId","Assets","Asset","Location"] |
Name | Type | Value | |
SelfLocation | staging_xcm:v4:location:Location | 0000 | |
BaseXcmWeight | sp_weights:weight_v2:Weight | 0208af2f00 | |
RateLimiterId | NULL |
Name | Docs |
AssetHasNoReserve | Asset has no reserve location. |
NotCrossChainTransfer | Not cross-chain transfer. |
InvalidDest | Invalid transfer destination. |
NotCrossChainTransferableCurrency | Currency is not cross-chain transferable. |
UnweighableMessage | The message's weight could not be determined. |
XcmExecutionFailed | XCM execution failed. |
CannotReanchor | Could not re-anchor the assets to declare the fees for thedestination chain. |
InvalidAncestry | Could not get ancestry of asset reserve location. |
InvalidAsset | The Asset is invalid. |
DestinationNotInvertible | The destination `Location` provided cannot be inverted. |
BadVersion | The version of the `Versioned` value used is not able to beinterpreted. |
DistinctReserveForAssetAndFee | We tried sending distinct asset and fee but they have differentreserve chains. |
ZeroFee | The fee is zero. |
ZeroAmount | The transfering asset amount is zero. |
TooManyAssetsBeingSent | The number of assets to be sent is over the maximum. |
AssetIndexNonExistent | The specified index does not exist in a Assets struct. |
FeeNotEnough | Fee is not enough. |
NotSupportedLocation | Not supported Location |
MinXcmFeeNotDefined | MinXcmFee not registered for certain reserve location |
RateLimited | Asset transfer is limited by RateLimiter. |