Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
service_overweight | 1b00 | 2 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
InvalidFormat | 1b00 | ["XcmHash"] | |
UnsupportedVersion | 1b01 | ["XcmHash"] | |
ExecutedDownward | 1b02 | ["XcmHash","XcmHash","Outcome"] | |
WeightExhausted | 1b03 | ["XcmHash","XcmHash","Weight","Weight"] | |
OverweightEnqueued | 1b04 | ["XcmHash","XcmHash","OverweightIndex","Weight"] | |
OverweightServiced | 1b05 | ["OverweightIndex","Weight"] | |
MaxMessagesExhausted | 1b06 | ["XcmHash"] |
Name | Type | |
Configuration | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"sp_weights:weight_v2:Weight","PlainTypeValue":531} | |
PageIndex | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"cumulus_pallet_dmp_queue:PageIndexData","PlainTypeValue":532} | |
Pages | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U32"],"value":"Vec<Tuple:U32Vec<U8>>","keys_id":4,"value_id":533}} | |
Overweight | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U64"],"value":"Tuple:U32Vec<U8>","keys_id":11,"value_id":534}} | |
CounterForOverweight | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U32","PlainTypeValue":4} |
Name | Docs |
Unknown | The message index given is unknown. |
OverLimit | The amount of weight given is possibly not enough for executing the message. |