Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
associate_native_identity | 1500 | 3 | |
my_first_claim | 1501 | - | |
show_me_the_money | 1502 | - | |
update_reward_address | 1503 | 1 | |
initialize_reward_vec | 1504 | 3 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
InitialPaymentMade | 1500 | ||
NativeIdentityAssociated | 1501 | ||
RewardsPaid | 1502 | ||
RewardAddressUpdated | 1503 | ||
InitializedAlreadyInitializedAccount | 1504 | ||
InitializedAccountWithNotEnoughContribution | 1505 |
Name | Type | |
AccountsPayable | {"origin":"MapType","map_type":{"key":"AccountId","hasher":"Blake2_128Concat","value":"RewardInfo","isLinked":false}} | |
ClaimedRelayChainIds | {"origin":"MapType","map_type":{"key":"RelayChainAccountId","hasher":"Blake2_128Concat","value":"Null","isLinked":false}} | |
UnassociatedContributions | {"origin":"MapType","map_type":{"key":"RelayChainAccountId","hasher":"Blake2_128Concat","value":"RewardInfo","isLinked":false}} | |
Initialized | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"bool"} | |
InitRelayBlock | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"u32"} |
Name | Docs |
AlreadyAssociated | User trying to associate a native identity with a relay chain identity for posterior reward claiming provided an already associated relay chain identity |
FirstClaimAlreadyDone | First claim already done |
RewardNotHighEnough | The contribution is not high enough to be eligible for rewards |
InvalidClaimSignature | User trying to associate a native identity with a relay chain identity for posterior reward claiming provided a wrong signature |
InvalidFreeClaimSignature | User trying to claim the first free reward provided the wrong signature |
NoAssociatedClaim | User trying to claim an award did not have an claim associated with it. This may mean they did not contribute to the crowdloan, or they have not yet associated a native id with their contribution |
RewardsAlreadyClaimed | User trying to claim rewards has already claimed all rewards associated with its identity and contribution |
RewardVecAlreadyInitialized | Reward vec has already been initialized |
RewardsDoNotMatchFund | Reward vec has already been initialized |
WrongConversionU128ToBalance | Invalid conversion while calculating payable amount |