Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
create | 1d00 | 3 | |
force_create | 1d01 | 4 | |
start_destroy | 1d02 | 1 | |
destroy_accounts | 1d03 | 1 | |
destroy_approvals | 1d04 | 1 | |
finish_destroy | 1d05 | 1 | |
mint | 1d06 | 3 | |
burn | 1d07 | 3 | |
transfer | 1d08 | 3 | |
transfer_keep_alive | 1d09 | 3 | |
force_transfer | 1d0a | 4 | |
freeze | 1d0b | 2 | |
thaw | 1d0c | 2 | |
freeze_asset | 1d0d | 1 | |
thaw_asset | 1d0e | 1 | |
transfer_ownership | 1d0f | 2 | |
set_team | 1d10 | 4 | |
set_metadata | 1d11 | 4 | |
clear_metadata | 1d12 | 1 | |
force_set_metadata | 1d13 | 5 | |
force_clear_metadata | 1d14 | 1 | |
force_asset_status | 1d15 | 8 | |
approve_transfer | 1d16 | 3 | |
cancel_approval | 1d17 | 2 | |
force_cancel_approval | 1d18 | 3 | |
transfer_approved | 1d19 | 4 | |
touch | 1d1a | 1 | |
refund | 1d1b | 2 | |
set_min_balance | 1d1c | 2 | |
touch_other | 1d1d | 2 | |
refund_other | 1d1e | 2 | |
block | 1d1f | 2 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
Created | 1d00 | ["AssetId","AccountId","AccountId"] | |
Issued | 1d01 | ["AssetId","AccountId","Balance"] | |
Transferred | 1d02 | ["AssetId","AccountId","AccountId","Balance"] | |
Burned | 1d03 | ["AssetId","AccountId","Balance"] | |
TeamChanged | 1d04 | ["AssetId","AccountId","AccountId","AccountId"] | |
OwnerChanged | 1d05 | ["AssetId","AccountId"] | |
Frozen | 1d06 | ["AssetId","AccountId"] | |
Thawed | 1d07 | ["AssetId","AccountId"] | |
AssetFrozen | 1d08 | ["AssetId"] | |
AssetThawed | 1d09 | ["AssetId"] | |
AccountsDestroyed | 1d0a | ["AssetId","u32","u32"] | |
ApprovalsDestroyed | 1d0b | ["AssetId","u32","u32"] | |
DestructionStarted | 1d0c | ["AssetId"] | |
Destroyed | 1d0d | ["AssetId"] | |
ForceCreated | 1d0e | ["AssetId","AccountId"] | |
MetadataSet | 1d0f | ["AssetId","Bytes","Bytes","u8","bool"] | |
MetadataCleared | 1d10 | ["AssetId"] | |
ApprovedTransfer | 1d11 | ["AssetId","AccountId","AccountId","Balance"] | |
ApprovalCancelled | 1d12 | ["AssetId","AccountId","AccountId"] | |
TransferredApproved | 1d13 | ["AssetId","AccountId","AccountId","AccountId","Balance"] | |
AssetStatusChanged | 1d14 | ["AssetId"] | |
AssetMinBalanceChanged | 1d15 | ["AssetId","Balance"] | |
Touched | 1d16 | ["AssetId","AccountId","AccountId"] | |
Blocked | 1d17 | ["AssetId","AccountId"] | |
Deposited | 1d18 | ["AssetId","AccountId","Balance"] | |
Withdrawn | 1d19 | ["AssetId","AccountId","Balance"] |
Name | Type | |
Asset | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U128"],"value":"pallet_assets:types:AssetDetails","keys_id":6,"value_id":592}} | |
Account | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat","Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U128","[U8; 20]"],"value":"pallet_assets:types:AssetAccount","keys_id":594,"value_id":595}} | |
Approvals | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat","Blake2_128Concat","Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U128","[U8; 20]","[U8; 20]"],"value":"pallet_assets:types:Approval","keys_id":598,"value_id":599}} | |
Metadata | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U128"],"value":"pallet_assets:types:AssetMetadata","keys_id":6,"value_id":600}} | |
NextAssetId | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U128","PlainTypeValue":6} |
Name | Type | Value | |
RemoveItemsLimit | U32 | 90020000 | |
AssetDeposit | U128 | 000010632d5ec76b0500000000000000 | |
AssetAccountDeposit | U128 | 0080fccfca1be70d0000000000000000 | |
MetadataDepositBase | U128 | 0000dd0744dff80d0000000000000000 | |
MetadataDepositPerByte | U128 | 00407a10f35a00000000000000000000 | |
ApprovalDeposit | U128 | 00000000000000000000000000000000 | |
StringLimit | U32 | 32000000 |
Name | Docs |
BalanceLow | Account balance must be greater than or equal to the transfer amount. |
NoAccount | The account to alter does not exist. |
NoPermission | The signing account has no permission to do the operation. |
Unknown | The given asset ID is unknown. |
Frozen | The origin account is frozen. |
InUse | The asset ID is already taken. |
BadWitness | Invalid witness data given. |
MinBalanceZero | Minimum balance should be non-zero. |
UnavailableConsumer | Unable to increment the consumer reference counters on the account. Either no providerreference exists to allow a non-zero balance of a non-self-sufficient asset, or onefewer then the maximum number of consumers has been reached. |
BadMetadata | Invalid metadata given. |
Unapproved | No approval exists that would allow the transfer. |
WouldDie | The source account would not survive the transfer and it needs to stay alive. |
AlreadyExists | The asset-account already exists. |
NoDeposit | The asset-account doesn't have an associated deposit. |
WouldBurn | The operation would result in funds being burned. |
LiveAsset | The asset is a live asset and is actively being used. Usually emit for operations suchas `start_destroy` which require the asset to be in a destroying state. |
AssetNotLive | The asset is not live, and likely being destroyed. |
IncorrectStatus | The asset status is not the expected status. |
NotFrozen | The asset should be frozen before the given operation. |
CallbackFailed | Callback action resulted in error |
BadAssetId | The asset ID must be equal to the [`NextAssetId`]. |