Timestamp | 2024-12-16 21:01:24 (UTC) |
Block Time | 2024-12-16 21:01:24 (UTC) |
Block | |
Life Time | 9922953 - 9923017 |
Extrinsic Hash | 0xdb3f8b928e88b0d9ddd49a4b7db559bef1d96c2749253f2ac5119a3bcabd67f9 |
Action | Proxied Account This is the TEST 1 account - |
Sender | |
Estimated Fee | ![]() 0 .000003910871316577 DEV |
Used Fee | ![]() 0 .000003910871316577 DEV |
Nonce | 0 |
Result | Success |
Parameters | [3 items 0:{4 items "name":"real" "type":"[U8; 20]" "type_name":"AccountIdLookupOf" "value":"0x44197604758fef86fe32e6a3623b4d0928ad9fdc" } 1:{4 items "name":"force_proxy_type" "type":"option<moonbase_runtime:ProxyType>" "type_name":"Option<ProxyType>" "value":NULL } 2:{4 items "name":"call" "type":"Call" "type_name":"Box<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>" "value":{4 items "call_index":"1801" "call_module":"Identity" "call_name":"set_identity" "params":[1 items 0:{3 items "name":"info" "type":"pallet_identity:legacy:IdentityInfo" "value":{9 items "additional":NULL "display":{1 items "Raw26":"This is the TEST 1 account" } "email":{1 items "None":"NULL" } "image":{1 items "None":"NULL" } "legal":{1 items "None":"NULL" } "pgp_fingerprint":NULL "riot":{1 items "None":"NULL" } "twitter":{1 items "None":"NULL" } "web":{1 items "None":"NULL" } } } ] } } ] |
Signature | 0x6a4b95feb47a9e8ad67ac6fe338de31c052ba17ef2494abae49bcef458bc53d85d25f6c189abdea5f7c6cc6066038e14f9b9acbe9ff73b7f9361800cd60a585401 |